Visit to La Rioja

King Felipe and Queen Letizia visited Santo Domingo de la Calzada and Haro towns of La Rioja province, which are two of the towns in La Rioja most affected by the corona pandemic. Haro is known for its fine red wine and has an important architectural heritage.  They visited to Haro Estación Enológica (Haro Wine Station) located in the heart of Haro, founded in 1892. Later, They moved to R. López de Heredia Viña Tondonia - the oldest in Haro and one of the first houses in the Rioja region. After, King Felipe and Queen Letizia travelled to Santo Domingo de la Calzada, the town that enters the Camino de Santiago, known as the Way of St. James, a network of pilgrimages leading to the shrine of the apostle Saint James the Great.Santo Domingo is a small town in La Rioja. It’s where people stop off on the ancient pilgrimage route from France and visit the Cathedral of Santo Domingo de la Calzada. 


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