2020/2021 school year

The day began at the CPEIP 'Nuestra Señora del Patrocinio', an Infant and Primary school in Milagro. Her Majesty toured the facilities and observed the hygiene measures which have been adopted due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The centre has been able to expand its patio space thanks to the City Council who has given them a nearby municipal sports area so that students can maintain their distance during leisure time. After, she moved to the town of San Adrián, where she toured the facilities of the IES 'Ega', a secondary school, for students not only from the municipality but also from Andosilla, Cárcar and Azagra. The visit concluded with a meeting chaired by Queen Letizia, with the educational community. Points of discussion included the challenges overcome to start the school year with some normality.



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