Autonomous Communities- Gijón


​Their Majesties first activity of the day was a visit to the headquarters of COGERSA (Consortium for Solid Waste Management of Asturias) which recycles all waste from all over Asturias, it employs more than 400 workers, a total of 800,000 tons per year is recycled throughout the plant: domestic, commercial, industrial and hospital waste. After, they travelled to Cerro de Santa Catalina a park in Gijón, where they saw the 30th-anniversary exhibition of the Elogio del Horizonte (Praise of the Horizon) sculpture by Eduardo Chillida. They received explanations from the director of the Culture Foundation and through a series of photographs and texts Their Majesties were able to see how the construction of Chillida's work was carried out. The Royal Couple moved to the upper part of the viewpoint where they held a meeting with a representation of health workers from the Hospital de Cabueñes, COVID-19 reference centre in Gijón. The final activity of the day was a visit to Museo y Circuito Fernando Alonso. The museum is dedicated to the promotion of motorsport and a memorial to Fernando Alonso, a two-times Formula One World Drivers' Champion from Oviedo, Asturias, Spain. Their Majesties received a guided tour by the man himself, Fernando Alonso, they had the opportunity to observe a video on road safety, viewed the karting circuit and road education tent before touring the museum's collection and signing the book of honour. 


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