
Affichage des articles du juillet, 2020

San Juan de la Pena Monastery Visit in Jaca

Their Majesties, the King and the Queen began in the heart of the Aragonese Pyrenees with a visit to the Monasterio Viejo de San Juan de la Peña. It was one of the most prominent monasteries in Aragon in the Middle Ages. Its two-level church is partially carved in the stone of the great cliff that overhangs the foundation. San Juan de la Peña means 'Saint John of the Cliff'. Later, they  moved to Jaca, the capital of the Aragonese Pyrenees. They toured its streets and most emblematic areas of the city. The director of the Museo Diocesano explained to Their Majesties the tradition of placing a white flag on the highest point of the Cathedral, a symbol that indicates that the city is free of an epidemic which gave free passage to the pilgrims who had to follow the Camino de Santiago.

On Day 2 of State Visit to Cuba

In the Gran Teatro de La Habana, The King and The Queen of Spain visited the photographic exhibition "Spain-Cuba: with you in the distance". The display covers 500 years of Cuban history, 80 years of the Spanish news agency Agencia EFE, and 70 years of Iberia airline flying to Cuba. Following the tour of the exhibition, Their Majesties attended a Ballet Gala at the theatre by the Cuban National Ballet and concluded their full day with an official welcome dinner at the Palacio de la Revolucion hosted by the President of Cuba and First Lady

Cuenca in Castilla–La Mancha Visit

On the third day of their royal tour in several Spanish Autonomous Communities, Queen Letizia and King Felipe VI of Spain visited Cuenca in Castilla–La Mancha. Cuenca is a city in the autonomous community of Castilla–La Mancha in central Spain. Then, their Majesties  visited the headquarters of the ASPADEC Association which provides service to people with intellectual or development disabilities and their families. The purpose of the royal tour is to support tourism activities in Spain after the Coronavirus outbreak. 

Queen Letizia and King Felipe's visit to Seville and Córdoba

Their Majesties visited El Esqueleto Civic Center in the Three Thousand Homes neighbourhood of the South of Seville. They were received by regional and national authorities and attended a meeting that informed them of the actions of the Comisión de Emergencia del Polígono Sur (Polígono South Emergency Commission), which was established to deal with the situation caused by COVID-19. The King and Queen moved to the social centre of the Fundación Don Bosco (Don Bosco Foundation), a non-profit entity of state-level of the Catholic Church, where they toured the electricity, hospitality and sewing workshops.They then headed to the historic centre of Seville and stopped at the Puerta del Príncipe, in front of the Giraldillo sculpture, then continued on foot to the Real Alcázar of Seville. In the Admiral del Alcázar Hall, Their Majesties held a meeting with representatives of the Andalusian Confederation of Entrepreneurs. King Felipe VI thanked them for the opportunity to talk about social and